Wuhan University Center for Digital Humanities武汉大学数字人文研究中心

武汉大学, 2014

[English version]



武汉大学数字人文中心的文化遗产智能计算实验室 (教育部哲学社会科学实验室)


2011年 (2021年)













  1.  科研项目
    • 文化遗产智慧数据资源建设与服务研究
    • 面向版本典藏数字资源的智慧展陈技术研发与应用
    • 数字孪生数据体系建设及数据挖掘技术研究
    • 古籍数字化记忆再造工程研究
    • 敦煌莫高窟多模态知识图谱构建研究等
  2. 平台工具中国简帛文献综合数字平台
    • 文物图像关联数据集成平台
    • 文化遗产知识图谱生产平台
    • 敦煌壁画主题词表
    • 文物贴图软件
    • 图文关联标注系统等
  3. 数据资源
    • 文化遗产智能计算实验室积累了各种文化遗产数据,包括数字图像、古代文献、历史地图、三维文物模型和领域知识图谱。例如,基础数据库包括了来自敦煌壁画的超过 4,700 个主题术语以及中国诗词知识图谱中的约 125 万个 RDF 三元组。图像数据库包括了来自莫高和榆林洞窟的 25,000 张高分辨率壁画图像、可移动文物以及来自海外博物馆的超过20万张中国文化艺术品图像。
  4. 数字演绎剧场
    • 文化遗产数字演绎剧场是一个开创性的跨学科尖端实验空间,它基于三维沉浸投影、数据交互大屏、XR虚拟叙事、尖端影像建模等技术和设备,融合历史文化、数字信息、人工智能等多学科方法和技术,构建“数字孵化—协同演绎—虚实融合—沉浸体验”智慧服务链,支撑文化遗产蕴含历史、文化、科学与艺术价值的数智活化利用研究与实践。



Wuhan University, 2014

Center for Digital Humanities


Center for Digital Humanities, Wuhan University

Intellectual Computing Laboratory for Cultural Heritage, Wuhan University (Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education, China)

Year of Foundation

2011 (2021)

Short Description

The Center for Digital Humanities at Wuhan University was established in 2011, making it the first digital humanities research centre in mainland China and one of the five founding members of the centerNet Asia-Pacific Alliance. In 2021, the Intelligent Computing Laboratory for Cultural Heritage (ICLCH) at Wuhan University was approved by China’s Ministry of Education among the first batch of Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences, and it was the only one approved in the field of cultural heritage. The ICLCH dates to 2011 with the establishment of Centre for Digital Humanities at Wuhan University, which was incorporated into the Big Data Research Institute at Wuhan University in 2018. After 10 years development, the ICLCH has grown into a large-scale discipline-crossing research institution integrating culture-related disciplines such as information management, history, ancient literature, and intelligent computing technology disciplines such as surveying and mapping, computer science, and artificial intelligence. The ICLCH is dedicated to organising cutting-edge research on the digital and intelligent activation and utilisation of cultural heritage.

Adhering to a research philosophy that emphasizes the fusion of humanities and sciences, data-driven empowerment, collaborative contributions, and innovation through experimentation, the ICLCH consolidates the expertise of “Information Resource Management” and “Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology” – two of Wuhan University’s distinguished disciplines, along with other traditional fields. The ICLCH is structured into five specialized research divisions: intelligent data processing for cultural heritage, advanced organization and reconstruction of ancient texts, computational imaging and analysis of cultural artifacts, virtual representation of expansive archaeological sites, and GIS applications in cultural heritage. With a foundation in cutting-edge technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality, and grounded in digital humanities theories, the lab is dedicated to addressing challenges in cultural heritage, such as its insufficient protection, ambiguous interpretations, and untapped value. The ICLCH not only broadens the horizons of digital humanities but also bolsters original innovation in humanities and social sciences. Furthermore, it paves a viable route and offers a comprehensive model for the inventive evolution and growth of China’s rich traditional culture.

Key Academics

Prof Feicheng Ma

Senior Professor in humanities and social sciences at Wuhan University. He has held roles such as Dean of the School of Information Management and Director of the Information Resources Research Centre. His research is about Information science and management theory, big data analysis, knowledge organisation and networks, digital information resource management and digital economy, information behaviour, and informetrics.

Prof Xiaoguang Wang

Professor and Vice Dean of the School of Information Management and Executive Vice Dean of the Big Data Institute, Director of the Intellectual Computing Laboratory for Cultural Heritage, and Director of the Centre for Digital Humanities at Wuhan University. His research interests are digital asset management, knowledge organisation, semantic publishing, and digital humanities.

Prof Zhiyong Peng

He served as the vice dean of the Big Data Institute at Wuhan University, vice-chair of the Database Professional Committee of the China Computer Federation, and member of the Big Data Expert Committee of the China Computer Federation.

Key Projects

Projects and achievements in the Center for Digital Humanities fall into four categories: Research Projects, involving digital restoration and geographical data integration of ancient Chinese sites; Platform Tools, focusing on the development of digital platforms for manuscript organization, image data integration, and AI-based knowledge graph construction; Data Resources, which includes the accumulation of extensive cultural heritage data, such as digital images, texts, historical maps, and 3D models; Digital Interpretation Theatre, an interdisciplinary space utilizing advanced technology for immersive cultural heritage experiences and research.

  1. Research Projects
    • Research on Resources Development and Service of Cultural Heritage Smart Data
    • Research, Development and Application of Intelligent Exhibition Technology of National Archives of Publications and Culture Collection Digital Resources
    • Research on Construction of Digital Twin Data System and Data Mining Technology
    • Research on Digital Memory Reconstruction Project of Ancient Books
    • Research on Multimodal Knowledge Graph Construction of Dunhuang Mogao Caves
  2. Platforms and Tools
    • Comprehensive Digital Platform of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts
    • Cultural Heritage Image Data Integration Platform
    • Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graph Production Platform
    • Dunhuang Mural Thesaurus
    • Model Painter
    • Graphic Correlation Annotation System
  3. Data Resources
    • The ICLCH accumulated various cultural heritage data, including digital images, ancient texts, historical maps, 3D relic models, and domain knowledge graphs. For example, Foundational Databases includes over 4,700 subject terms from Dunhuang murals and around 1.25 million RDF triples in the Chinese Poetry Knowledge Graph. And the Image Databases Contains 25,000 high-resolution images of murals from Mogao and Yulin Caves, movable relics, and over 200,000 images of Chinese cultural artifacts from overseas museums.
  4. Digital Interpretation Theatre
    • The Digital Deduction Theatre for Cultural Heritage is an innovative, interdisciplinary cutting-edge experimental space designed and built by the ICLCH at Wuhan University. It also stands as the foundational methodology for the digital revitalisation of cultural heritage. With advanced imaging modelling, large-screen data interaction, three-dimensional immersive projection, and XR virtual storytelling technologies, this theatre integrates methodologies from humanities, information management, literary arts, and artificial intelligence. Its ambition is to establish a holistic innovation chain comprised of “Digital Incubation – Fusion of Virtual and Reality – Collaborative Deduction – Immersive Experience – Intelligent Services.” This initiative is dedicated to digitally documenting. deconstructing. artistically expressing. and intelligently interacting with China’s outstanding traditional culture, supporting the research, teaching, and dissemination of the revitalization of cultural heritage.


The ICLCH offers a variety of teaching activities that blend traditional humanities scholarship with digital technologies, especially for PhD students. These activities include hosting forums, seminars, and workshops, such as the Global Forum for Chinese Doctoral Students in Digital Humanities and the Yuehu Frontier Forum on Digital Intelligence for Liberal Arts. The ICLCH also organizes specialised academic seminars, providing platforms for interdisciplinary research, design innovation, and the exploration of new methodologies in digital humanities.

King’s Digital Lab at King’s College London 国王数字实验



King’s Digital Lab (KDL), it is a Research Software Engineering laboratory within King’s College London Faculty of Arts and Humanities (A&H)

Year of Foundation


Short Description

Since the late 70s, King’s College London has applied computational methods to Humanities research becoming deeply rooted in the digital humanities sector from the 90s, initially with the establishment of the ‘Research Unit in Humanities Computing’, then ‘Centre for Computing in the Humanities’ (CCH) and later within the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH). To consolidate the development arm initially part of the department, in 2015 the Faculty of Arts & Humanities (A&H) founded King’s Digital Lab(KDL), a Research Software Engineering Laboratory now in its consolidation phase (Smithies, 2016Ciula, Caton and Mellen, 2023). It consists of a team of Research Software experts with a critical understanding of the integration of digital technologies in arts and humanities scholarship, cultural heritage sector and creative practices. The team co-design, develop, maintain and extend software and associated products (from digital publications to data visualizations and immersive experiences) to enable diverse research and impact activities (Ciula, Caton and Mellen, 2023).

The lab’s primary focus is to increase capacity priamry in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities (A&H) and consolidate as a leading research facility for digital production, analysis, archiving, and consultancy within the A&H domain (UKRI, 2023).

Besides delivering its objective of supporting A&H’s digital research work, KDL supports a range of functions in collaboration with research and industry partners (UKRI, 2023). This includes designing and implementing systems, infrastructures, tools and processes necessary for producing a range of digital scholarly outputs (KCL, nd). Additionally, KDL offers expert consultancy as well as design and delivery of guest lecturers or other expert training and mentorship. In alignment with its objective to supporting the delivery of high-quality digital research, KDL also allocates a modest amount of resources to non-grant-funded activities within the Faculty and the college (KCL, nd)

Following a major infrastructure refresh in September 2021, when its founding director James Smithies left the role, KDL re-freshed the Lab Missions & Activities (2022-2025) in collaboration with Faculty senior management (Ciula, Caton and Mellen, 2023). The document summarised KDL’s ‘primary value and market position lie in its contribution to high-quality grant-funded projects with significant technical requirements’, leading KDL to continue to evolve and adapt to the changing digital research landscape (Ciula, Caton and Mellen, 2023).

At present, KDL website lists 67 projects the lab has worked on and contributed towards. However the list of resourcesd it maintains, including legacy is even more extensive (Archiving and Sustanability, nd). KDL is particularly interested in areas such as Digital Creativity, AI and Machine Learning, and Indigenous Digital Humanities (KCL, nd). With a diverse team comprising members from various backgrounds, KDL ensures the delivery of high-quality digital research across the A&H domain (KDL, 2015). Its collaborations extend beyond the Faculty and KCL, encompassing partnerships across the College  and with other higher education institutions, libraries, museums, cultural heritage bodies, and the performing arts and creative industries sector (KCL, nd).

Key KDL people

Dr Arianna Ciula, Director & Senior Research Software Analyst , experienced in digital humanities research and teaching, research management, and digital research infrastructures.

Key project with links

  1. Glow3: Global Leadership of Women in Web 3
  2. Living with Machines notebooks
  3. The Community of the Realm in Scotland, 1249-1424
  4. Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815)
  5. Digital Humanities Laboratory: Studying the Entanglement of Infrastructure and Technology in Knowledge Production
  6. Room is sad
  7. iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to support respectful management of Indigenous knowledges
  8. Crossreads Text, materiality and multiculturalism at the crossroads of the ancient Mediterranean
  9. Critical Modelling of Extensive Literary Data
  10. Brightening the Covenant Chain

Image credit: King’s Digital Lab, 2023 

图片来源: Pixabay, 2017







自70年代末以来,伦敦国王学院已将计算方法应用于人文学科研究,并从90年代起在数字人文领域扎根,最初是通过建立「人文计算研究单位」,随后成立「人文计算中心」(CCH),再后来成立了数字人文学系(DDH)。为了整合最初属于该系的发展部门,艺术与人文学院(A&H)于2015年创立了国王数字实验室(KDL),一个研究软件工程实验室,目前正处于整合阶段(Smithies, 2016Ciula, Caton和Mellen, 2023)。该实验室由一支对数字技术在艺术与人文学术、文化遗产部门和创意实践中的整合有深刻理解的研究软件专家团队组成。该团队共同设计、开发、维护和扩展软件及相关产品(从数字出版物到数据可视化和沉浸式体验),以支持多样的研究和影响活动 (Ciula, Caton和Mellen, 2023)。

该实验室的主要重点是提高艺术与人文学院(A&H)的能力,并巩固其作为A&H领域内数字制作、分析、存档和咨询的领先研究设施的地位(UKRI, 2023)。

除了完成支持A&H数字研究工作的目标,KDL还与研究和行业合作伙伴合作,支持多种功能(UKRI, 2023)。这包括设计和实施生产各种数字学术成果所需的系统、基础设施、工具和流程(KCL, nd)。此外,KDL还提供专业咨询以及设计和提供客座讲座或其他专家培训和指导。为了支持高质量数字研究的目标,KDL还为学院和大学内的非资助活动分配了一定数量的资源(KCL, nd)。

在2021年9月进行了一次主要的基础设施更新后,创始主任詹姆斯·史密斯辞去职务,KDL与学院高级管理层合作,更新了2022-2025年的实验室使命和活动文件(Ciula, Caton和Mellen, 2023)。该文件总结了KDL的「主要价值和市场地位在于其对高质量、具有显著技术需求的资助项目的贡献」,这使得KDL能够继续发展并适应不断变化的数字研究环境(Ciula, Caton和Mellen, 2023)。

目前,KDL网站列出了实验室参与和贡献的67个项目。然而,其维护的资源列表,包括遗留项目,甚至更为广泛(Archiving and Sustanability, nd)。KDL特别关注领域如数字创意、人工智能和机器学习,以及土著数字人文(KCL, nd)。拥有来自不同背景的多样化团队,KDL确保在A&H领域提供高质量的数字研究(KDL, 2015). 。其合作伙伴关系不仅限于学院和KCL,还包括其他高等教育机构、图书馆、博物馆、文化遗产机构以及表演艺术和创意产业部门(KCL, nd)。


Arianna Ciula博士, 主任兼高级研究软件分析师,在数字人文研究和教学、研究管理和数字研究基础设施方面具有丰富经验。


  1. Glow3:Web 3时代全球女性领导力
  2. 与机器共存笔记本
  3. 苏格兰王国社区,1249-1424
  4. 激进翻译:革命文化在英国、法国和意大利之间的转移(1789-1815)
  5. 数字人文实验室:研究基础设施与技术在知识生产中的交织
  6. 房间很悲伤
  7. iREAL:支持土著知识尊重管理的包容性AI需求获取在图书馆中的应用
  8. Crossreads:古地中海交汇处的文本、物质性和多元文化
  9. 大规模文学数据的批判性建模
  10. 亮化契约链

图像来源: King’s Digital Lab, 2023 

Nanjing University Digital Humanities Center 南京大学高研院数字人文创研中心

[English Version]






2017年6月,南京大学十余名青年教师组成 「数字人文 」课题组,组织召开了题为 「数字人文: 大数据时代的前沿探索 」的重要学术会议,在中国产生了广泛影响。






该数字人文中心提供工作坊,例如 空间人文与地理信息系统工作坊,它涵盖了空间人文、城市历史地理中的GIS以及使用GIS重建历史空间舞台等主题。该课程整合了各种地图材料,展示了在历史和文化研究中使用GIS的各种界面和应用。这一举措反映了该大学将数字技术与人文研究整合的重视。










南京大学数字人文倡议涵盖一系列项目,反映了其将数字技术与人文研究相结合的承诺。这些项目涵盖数字人文的各个方面,包括历史地理数字史学以及 中国商业广告档案

1. 六朝建康的历史地理


图片: https://digitalhumanities.nju.edu.cn/storage/public/files/3/i9c5cd-8a8a40-3d9e23.png

2. 数字史学


图片: https://digitalhumanities.nju.edu.cn/storage/public/files/4/6007dd-7d424d-69cb4c.png

3. 中国商业广告档案


图片: https://digitalhumanities.nju.edu.cn/storage/public/files/3/36dac0-764f0d-d758ad.png

图片来源: 南京大学, 未提供日期

Photo credit: Emily, 2017

Nanjing University Digital Humanities Center


Nanjing University Digital Humanities Center

Year of Foundation


Short Description

In June 2017, over ten young faculty members from Nanjing University formed a ‘Digital Humanities’ group and organized a significant academic conference titled ‘Digital Humanities: Exploring the Frontiers in the Big Data Era’, which had a wide impact in China.

In January 2018, leading experts and scholars in the field of digital humanities convened at Nanjing University to discuss the establishment of the Digital Humanities Initiative (Centre) as an interdisciplinary and international research platform under the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS). They decided to launch various teaching and research activities and collaborate with Nanjing University Press to publish a series of books on digital humanities. The centre aimed to promote, teach, research, and publish digital humanities activities by leveraging the resources of Nanjing University’s High-level Research Institute and its publishing house.

The DH centre offers regular general education courses, as well as workshops led by domestic and international experts to provide introductory training in digital humanities for humanities and social science students across various universities. They also aimed to publish an annual report on digital humanities research in China, conduct case studies, and enhance international cooperation and participation in conferences to promote Chinese digital humanities globally. For example, in April 2019 they held a workshop on ‘Spatial Humanities and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)’ involving scholars from different Chinese universities working on Chinese history, world history, archaeology, cultural heritage and museum studies, human geography, Chinese language, architecture, architectural history, art history, musicology, archival studies, and political science. 


Although these initiatives do not offer degrees, they provide online MOOC courses, and workshops that cater to learners seeking to augment their understanding of digital tools and methodologies within humanities research. Additionally, the International Programs at Nanjing University’s School of Information Management feature a track in Digital Humanities, emphasizing the application of emerging technologies to traditional humanistic inquiry. 

Innovation Thinking and Methodology: Digital Humanities as New Approach to Humanities  focuses on digital humanities as an emerging and potential-rich academic discipline. It introduces students to basic theories, classic cases, and practical methods in digital humanities. The course, taught by professors from different departments, encourages interdisciplinary learning and aims to develop innovative thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of humanities and arts research using digital tools and methodologies.

This DH center offers workshops, such as Spatial Humanities and GIS Workshop. It includes topics like spatial humanities, GIS in urban historical geography, and the reconstruction of historical spatial stages using GIS. The course integrates a wide array of map materials, showcasing various GIS interfaces and applications in historical and cultural studies. This initiative reflects the university’s emphasis on integrating digital technologies with humanities research.

The International Programs of the School of Information Management at Nanjing University includes an Information Resources Management (IRM) program, which offers two major tracks: Information Management and Data Analytics (IM&DA) and Digital Humanities (DH). The DH track focuses on applying emerging technologies to traditional areas of humanistic inquiry.

Key Academics

Dr Jing Chen, Associate Professor in School of Arts, specializes in areas related to the Digital Humanities Initiative.

Prof Tao WangProfessor in the Department of History with interests in the History of Christianity, German History, and Digital History.

Dr Gang Chen, Associate Professor in the Department of Geographic Information Science, with research specialties in historical geographic information and applied GIS development.

Dr Chao Min, Lecturer, focused on Information Management Science.

Dr Weizhun Mao, Associate Professor in International Politics and Deputy Editor-in-chief of NJU Asia-Pacific Review.

Prof Zuming Cheng, Professor in the Department of History with specialization of the History of Social Economics in the Republic of China period, Standard of Living, Education Acquisition and Social Strata.

Key Projects

The Digital Humanities Initiative at Nanjing University features a range of projects that reflect its commitment to integrating digital technology with humanities research. These projects encompass various aspects of digital humanities, including historical geographydigital historiography, and the archiving of Chinese commercial advertisements:

1. Historical Geography of Six Dynasties Jiankang

The project ‘Historical Geography of Six Dynasties Jiankang’ focuses on exploring fundamental scientific questions related to historical geographic information of the region and city. It aims to establish a specialised database and WebGIS system for Six Dynasties Nanjing, improve GIS models, and delve into the electronic compilation of ‘Nanjing Historical Atlas’. The project also includes systems for full-text search of ‘Jiankang Records’, historical place names, archaeological sites, cultural relics, and 3D displays of tomb inscriptions from the Six Dynasties period.

Image: https://digitalhumanities.nju.edu.cn/storage/public/files/3/i9c5cd-8a8a40-3d9e23.png

2. Digital Historiography

The ‘Digital Historiography’ project at Nanjing University, initiated in 2017, focuses on the intersection of digital technology and historical studies. It encompasses the promotion, research, and service aspects of digital historiography, with a teaching practice that started in 2016. The project is geared towards history students and adopts a project-oriented process in teaching. It aims to explore the network writing of history and involves various research topics. This project reflects the integration of digital tools and methods in historical research and education.

Image: https://digitalhumanities.nju.edu.cn/storage/public/files/4/6007dd-7d424d-69cb4c.png

3. Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive

The ‘Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive’ project at Nanjing University focuses on building an online archive of historical Chinese advertisements. This project includes over 18,700 high-quality digital images of advertisements from important commercial newspapers in five major Chinese cities. It aims to explore various aspects of advertisements, including their content, imagery, and the cultural and social norms they reflect. The project employs digital humanities tools like text mining and image analysis to understand historical consumer culture, gender norms, and the evolution of advertising language and styles.

Image: https://digitalhumanities.nju.edu.cn/storage/public/files/3/36dac0-764f0d-d758ad.png

The Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) at King’s College London 伦敦国王学院数字人文学部



The Department of Digital Humanities (DDH), it is a part of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King’s College London (KCL)

Year of Foundation


Short description

King’s College London has a rich history of research in the digital humanities (DH) field, dating back to the early 1970s. During this period, computing centre staff at King’s collaborated with academics, providing assistance in tasks such as generating concordances and creating thesaurus listings, marking the start of ‘Humanities Computing’ at the university. The arrival of Professor Roy Wibsey, a Professor of German in 1971 played a pivotal role in the development of humanities computing at Kings (KCL, 2020Dunn, 2020). In 1973, King’s hosted the inaugural meeting of the Association of Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC), where Wisbey was elected as the first Secretary of the ALLC. Holding the position of Vice-Principle at King’s in the 1980s, Wisbey proposed the formation of a ‘Humanities and Information Management’ group within the restructured Computing Centre.

The subsequent arrival of Professor Harold Short in 1988 as the Assistant Director of Computing Service for Humanities and Information Management further propelled the centre’s advancement (Short, Nyhan, Welsh and Salmon, 2012). In 1992, Professor Short officially founded ‘The Centre for Computing in the Humanities’ (CCH) as a joint initiative of the School of Humanities and Information Service & Systems (Centre for Computing in Humanities, 2018). In 2002, CCH became an independent academic department within the School of Humanities, serving as both a teaching department as well as a research centre (Dunn, 2020). King’s CCH is therefore among, if not one of the first institutes that offer DH courses, incorporating digital methods into humanities studies. Together with Professor William McCarty, they developed the PhD in Digital Humanities at King’s in 2005 (McCarty, 2012KCL, nd). 

By 2010, the interdisciplinary nature of  Digital Humanities doctoral research gained recognition, and in 2011 the Centre became the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) (McCarty, 2012). Since then, DDH has continuously grown in its research and teaching endeavours, encompassing areas beyond Digital Humanities. As of today, the department has a total of 70 staff and 57 academics (KCL, nd), and give main areas of expertise: digital cultures – past and present; Technology, media and participation; Data worlds; Digital economy and society, and Digital epistemology and methods (KCL, nd). While DDH’s research reaches beyond the 5 listed themes, at present, Digital Humanities-centric research is primarily conducted by academics in the Computational Humanities Research Group, who study computational analysis of cultural and social phenomenaopen humanities data, critical technical practice and the calculation of meanings and synthetic media and generative approaches in computational humanities.

Teaching on DH

Since 2012, the department has consistently expanded its academic offerings to include a diverse array of Digital Humanities courses. Notably, its postgraduate master’s programs, which includes the Digital Humanities MA, Digital Culture & Society MA, Digital Economy MSc, Digital Asset & Media Management MA, and Big Data in Culture & Society MA, have garnered significant recognition during this period (KCL, nd). Today, DDH ranks third in the UK for research power and seventh overall in the latest Research Excellence Framework for the ‘Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management’ unit of assessment category. This achievement is shared with the Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries (REF, 2021).

Key academics working in cultural and computational Digital Humanities

Dr Andrea Ballatore, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Data Science, interested in digital geographies, cultural analytics and the spatial humanities. He worked on a number of projects in the museum sector.

Prof Tobias Blanke, affiliated with DDH as Professor in Social and Cultural Informatics, and University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Humanities at the University of Amsterdam, interested in computer science and philosophy. He has led the EHRI projects

Prof Marilyn Deegan, Professor Emerita of Digital Humanities and Honorary Research Fellow, interested in English Language, Medieval medical and herbal texts, Medieval pilgrimage, Textual editing, Digital imaging, Medieval manuscript studies. She has led the Sudan Memory: Conserving and Promoting Sudanese Cultural and Documentary Heritage project

Prof Stuart Dunn, Professor of Spatial Humanities, interested in the history of cartography, digital approaches to landscape studies, and spatial humanities. He was a part of the Ancient Itineraries: The Digital Lives of Art Historyproject 

Dr Laura Gibson, Lecturer in Digital Content Management Education, interested in Decolonisation, Digitalisation, Cultural Heritage, and Sub-Saharan Africa

Dr Mark Hedges, Reader in Cultural Informatics (digital impact on society), interested in Digital i.e., crowdsourcing, and other participatory methods, digital and computational methods in humanities, digital curation, digital archives and research infrastructures, social and cultural impact of digital technologies and information, particularly in a development context. He was a part of the Creative AI: machine learning as a medium in artistic and curatorial practice 

Dr Barbara McGillivray, Lecturer in Digital Humanities and Cultural Computation, interested in the intersection between computational and quantitative methods and research questions in the Humanities. She was Co-Investigator of the Living with Machines project.

Dr Antonina Puchkovskaia, Lecturer in Digital Humanities, interested in Cultural heritage data representation, Cultural heritage data visualisation, Spatial humanities, and Digital public humanities

Dr Gabriele Salciute Civiliene, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities Education, interested in cross-linguistic computing & modelling, aesthetic prototypes of computing, VR ethnographies, Data visualization and epistemologies, and semiotics of pre-/digital media

Paul Spence, Reader in Digital Humanities, interested in Culture, Digital and Languages. He was a part of the Language Acts and Worldmaking project where he analysed the power of language to disrupt digital monolingualism in knowledge infrastructures, methods and data.

Key projects with links

  1. European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) series of projects
  2. Creative AI: machine learning as a medium in artistic and curatorial practice
  3. Language Acts and Worldmaking
  4. Ancient Itineraries: The Digital Lives of Art History
  5. Living with Machines
  6. Scoping a Data Service for Complex 3D Data in the Arts and Humanities
  7. SAWS: Sharing Ancient Wisdom: exploring the tradition of Greek and Arabic wisdom literatures
  8. Sudan Memory: Conserving and Promoting Sudanese Culture and Documentary Heritage
  9. UK Museum during the COVID-19 crisis: Assessing risk, closure, and resilience

Other info

King’s Digital Lab (KDL) also plays an important part in the department of digital humanities’ history. While the two are both actively involved in DH research today, before 2015 KDL operated as part of DDH/ CCH (King’s Digital Lab, 2023). At present, KDL stands as an environment where a team of Research Software engineers design and implement systems, infrastructures, tools, and processes necessary for producing a range of digital scholarly outputs (KCL, nd). The profile of KDL is here.

Image credit: KCL, nd

图片来源: KCL, nd



数字人文学部(DDH)是伦敦国王学院(King’s College London,简称KCL)艺术与人文学院的一部分。




伦敦国王学院在数字人文(DH)领域有着丰富的研究历史,可以追溯到20世纪70年代初。在这一时期,国王学院的计算中心工作人员与学者合作,协助完成生成协调索引和创建词表等任务,标志着大学的「人文计算」起步。1971年,德国文学教授Roy Wibsey加入伦敦国王学院,为人文计算的发展做出了关键贡献(KCL, 2020Dunn, 2020)。 1973年,国王学院主办了文学和语言计算协会(Association of Literary and Linguistic Computing,简称ALLC)的首次会议,Wibsey当选为ALLC的第一任秘书。在80年代担任国王学院副校长期间,Wibsey提议在重组后的计算中心内成立一个「人文与信息管理」小组。

1988年,Harold Short教授以人文与信息管理计算服务助理主任的身份加入成為伦敦国王学院, 进一步推动了中心的发展(Short, Nyhan, Welsh和Salmon, 2012)。 1992年,Short教授正式创办了「人文计算中心」(Centre for Computing in the Humanities,简称CCH),作为人文学院和信息服务与系统的联合倡议(Centre for Computing in Humanities, 2018)。 2002年,CCH成为人文学院内部的独立学术部门,既是一个教学部门也是一个研究中心(Dunn, 2020)。 因此,国王学院CCH可能是最早提供数字人文课程的学院之一。与William McCarty教授一起,他们于2005年在国王学院开设了数字人文博士课程(McCarty, 2012KCL, 未提供日期)。

到了2010年,数字人文博士研究的跨学科性得到了认可,2011年,该中心成为数字人文学部(Department of Digital Humanities,简称DDH)(McCarty, 2012)。 从那时起,DDH在研究和教学方面不断发展,涵盖了数字人文以外的领域。 截至目前,该部门共有70名员工和57名学者(KCL,未提供日期),主要专业领域包括数字文化-过去和现在; 技术,媒体和参与; 数据世界; 数字经济与社会; 以及数字认识论和方法(KCL, 未提供日期)。 尽管DDH的研究超越了这5个主题,但目前数字人文中心的研究主要由「计算人文研究小组」的学者进行,他们研究文化和社会现象的计算分析,开放式人文数据,关键技术实践以及意义和计算人文中的合成媒体和生成方法。


自2012年以来,该部门不断扩大其学术课程,包括多种数字人文课程。特别是其研究生硕士课程,包括数字人文硕士、数字文化与社会硕士、数字经济硕士、数字资产与媒体管理硕士以及文化与社会大数据硕士,这些课程在此期间获得了显著的认可(KCL, 未提供日期)。 現時,DDH与文化、媒体和创意产业部在「传播、文化和媒体研究、图书馆和信息管理」评估单元的最新研究卓越框架中,研究力量排名第三,总体排名第七(REF, 2021)。


Andrea Ballatore 博士,社会与文化信息学讲师,对数字地理学、文化分析学和人文地理可视化感兴趣。他领导了英国博物馆在COVID-19危机期间的项目。

Tobias Blanke 教授,社会与文化信息学教授,对计算机科学和哲学感兴趣。他领导了EHRI项目。

Marilyn Deegan 教授,数字人文学荣誉教授及荣誉研究员,对英语、中世纪医学与草药文本、中世纪朝圣、文本编辑、数字图像处理、中世纪手稿研究感兴趣。她领导过 苏丹记忆:保护与推广苏丹文化和文献遗产项目。

Stuart Dunn 教授,空间人文学教授, 对地图制作的历史、数字化的景观研究方法和空间人文学感兴趣。他参与了古代行程:艺术史的数字生活项目。

Laura Gibson,数字内容管理教育讲师,对去殖民化、数字化、文化遗产和撒哈拉以南非洲感兴趣。

Mark Hedges博士,文化信息学副教授(数字对社会的影响),对数字即众包和其他参与方法、人文学中的数字和计算方法、数字策展、数字档案和研究基础设施、数字技术和信息的社会和文化影响,特别是在发展背景下感兴趣。他参与了 创意AI:机器学习作为艺术和策展实践媒介的项目。

Barbara McGillivray 博士,数字人文学与文化计算讲师,关注计算和定量方法与人文学科研究问题的交叉领域。她曾是与机器共存项目的共同研究者。

Antonina Puchkovskaia 博士,数字人文学讲师,对文化遗产数据呈现、文化遗产数据可视化、空间人文学和数字公共人文学感兴趣。

Gabriele Salciute Civiliene 博士,数字人文教育高级讲师,对跨语言计算与建模、计算美学原型、虚拟现实民族志、数据可视化与认知论、前/数字媒体符号学感兴趣。

Paul Spence ,数字人文学读者,关注文化、数字与语言。他参与了语言行为与世界构建项目,在该项目中,他分析了语言在知识基础设施、方法和数据中打破数字单语现象的力量。


  1. 欧洲大屠杀研究基础设施(EHRI)系列项目
  2. 创意人工智能:机器学习作为艺术和策展实践的媒介
  3. 语言行为与世界创造
  4. 古代艺术史的数字生活
  5. 与机器共生
  6. 为艺术和人文领域中的复杂3D数据提供数据服务的范围
  7. SAWS:分享古代智慧:探索希腊和阿拉伯智慧文学传统
  8. 苏丹记忆:保护和促进苏丹文化和文献遗产
  9. COVID-19危机期间英国博物馆:评估风险、关闭和恢复


国王数字实验室(KDL)也在数字人文学部的历史中发挥了重要作用。虽然两者今天都积极参与数字人文研究,但在2015年之前,KDL作为DDH/CCH的一部分运作(King’s Digital Lab, 2023)。 目前,KDL作为一个环境,其中研究软件工程师团队设计和实施系统、基础设施、工具和过程,以生产各种数字学术产出(KCL, 未提供日期)。KDL的简介可以在这里查看。

图像来源:KCL, 未提供日期

Project Team 项目团队

Elisa Oreglia is a Reader in Global Digital Cultures in the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London. She is a co-PI of the UK-China Humanities Alliance for Higher Education (UKCHA) British Council’s-funded project (Re)Connecting Research in China, and leads the Digital Transformation strand of the project that resulted in this website. She is also the principal investigator for the European Research Council-funded project DIGISILK, which looks at Chinese digital investments and technological influence in neighboring countries, and co-founder of the Global Digital Cultures Research Group.

Elisa Oreglia (欧蕾博士) 是伦敦国王学院数字人文系的全球数字文化读者。 她是中英高等教育人文联盟(UKCHA)的联合PI英国文化协会资助的项目(Re)连接中国研究,并领导该网站项目的数字化转型部分。 她还是欧洲研究理事会资助的 DIGISILK 项目的首席研究员,该项目着眼于中国在邻国的数字投资和技术影响力,以及全球数字中心的联合创始人 文化研究小组

Carly Yung holds a master’s degree in Big Data and Culture and Society from King’s College London, with a strong background in Digital Humanities. Her research interests encompass natural language processing, digital health, and data governance and equity. Currently, Carly serves as a research assistant at the UK-China Humanities Alliance project, where she is responsible for research design, scraping and analysing data, as well as overseeing the design and updates of the UKCHA Digital Transformation website.

Carly Yung (翁乐尧) 拥有伦敦大学国王学院 (King’s College London) 的大数据与文化社会硕士学位,具有扎实的数字人文背景。她的研究兴趣包括自然语言处理、数字健康以及数据治理与公平。目前,Carly 担任英中人文联盟项目的研究助理,负责研究设计、数据抓取和分析,以及监督英中人文联盟数字转型网站的设计和更新工作。

Rui Liu  is a PhD candidate in the School of Computing and Information Systems at The University of Melbourne. Her research revolves around the fascinating intersection of cultural content and information systems. Specifically, Rui is dedicated to connecting scattered cultural collections and enhancing data interoperability by constructing a robust semantic cultural model. This interdisciplinary approach allows her to effectively tackle complex challenges and uncover innovative solutions. Rui is a research assistant in the UK-China Humanities Alliance Project, and she is responsible for the scholarship ontology construction and qualitative analysis, as well as the profiles of Chinese institutions who carry out research and teaching in Digital Humanities.

Rui Liu (刘睿)  是墨尔本大学计算与信息系统学院的博士生。 她的研究围绕文化内容和信息系统的迷人交叉点展开。 具体来说,Rui致力于通过构建强大的语义文化模型来连接分散的文化收藏并增强数据互操作性。 这种跨学科方法使她能够有效应对复杂的挑战并发现创新的解决方案。 芮女士是中英人文联盟项目的研究助理,负责奖学金本体构建和定性分析,以及中国开展数字人文研究和教学的机构概况。

Welcome to UKCHA Digital Transformation! 欢迎来到UKCHA数字化转型项目

Image credit: cottonbro studio, 2018

Welcome to the Digital Transformation project of the UK-China Humanities Alliance for Higher Education (UKCHA)! We are a partnership of universities in the UK and China working together to develop joint research projects and further connections in the humanities. UKCHA was founded in 2016 on the initiative of Tsinghua University and is currently led jointly by Tsinghua and the University of Exeter.

This website, hosted by the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College, is supported by the British Council grant (re)Connecting Research in China, meant to re-establish connections and create new links and areas of collaboration between UK and Chinese institutions in the post-pandemic period. The Department of Digital Humanities is leading the Digital Transformations strand of the grant, and this website is part of it – a place dedicated to exploring and mapping existing programmes in Digital Humanities in British and Chinese Universities, to showcase research, teaching, methods, and initiatives in this area. 


欢迎来到中英高等教育人文联盟(UKCHA)数字化转型项目! 我们是英国和中国大学的合作伙伴,共同开发联合研究项目并进一步加强人文学科的联系。 UKCHA于2016年在清华大学倡议下成立,目前由清华大学埃克塞特大学联合领导。

该网站由国王学院数字人文系主办,并得到英国文化协会 资助 (re)Connecting Research in China 的支持,旨在重新建立联系并创造新的联系 大流行后时期英国和中国机构之间的联系和合作领域。 数字人文系正在领导该拨款的数字化转型部分,该网站是其中的一部分 – 一个致力于探索和绘制英国和中国大学数字人文现有项目的地方,以展示研究、教学、方法和举措 在这个区域。